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Looking after your interests

House Viewing
About: About

We pride ourselves on being responsible landlords. From smoke alarms to gas certification and deposit protection we make sure we are at the forefront of what's expected of us - both legally and from you, our tenants. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us or take a look at the latest "How to rent" booklet produced by the government.

If you have left a deposit with us, you will have been given a deposit certificate number (it will be in your Contract) along with the scheme in which it has been registered. (This is usually

Also. among the items you will have been given (and signed for on your "Confirmation of receipt" letter) are:

* A valid EPC

* A gas safety certificate (where relevant)

* How to rent booklet

* Mould advice for tenants

* Legionnaires information booklet

* An EICR report

* A copy of your Deposit certificate and deposit PI information

* Tenant guide to mydeposits

* A check in inventory

* Fair processing letter

* A smoke alarm testing certificate

To receive copies of any of the above, please contact us or you can down load them here



In case of fire

Make yourself aware of fire safety instructions. You will find these here, in your Tenancy Agreement and in the communal areas (if there are any) of your property.

If there are no visible instructions then in case of fire leave the building immediately (via the fire door if one is marked and it is possible to do so).

Close doors and windows behind you (if possible and without putting yourself at risk). To prevent the fire spreading. Congregate as per instructions but in the absence of instructions congregate at the rear of the building (outside and far enough away not to be affected by the fire). In all  cases dial 999 immediately and call the fire brigade. If it is a small fire you may attempt to put it out but not if  this puts  yourself or your family at risk. Once you have left the building do not return until the property is declared safe by the fire services.

Remember you should check your smoke alarms frequently (once a week) and make sure batteries are regularly replaced. If you are not sure how to do this call us ASAP.

Needless to say no smoking is allowed on the property and you should keep all fire escapes and all doors clear and not store any combustible materials. You shoudl also not introduce furniture or electrical goods which havent been fire or PAT checked.

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